frequenty asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

New to scouting? Welcome! Find some frequently asked questions below. Contact us for more information.  


What is cub scouting?

Cub Scouting is a year-round, family-oriented part of the Scouts BSA. The program is designed for youth who are in the year prior to first grade through fifth grade (or are 6-10 years of age).

Parents, leaders, and organizations work together to achieve the 10 purposes of Cub Scouting:

What are some example cub scout activities?

Cub Scouts participate in a huge array of activities, including games, projects, skits, stunts, songs, outdoor activities, trips, and service projects. Besides being fun, these activities offer opportunities for growth, achievement, and family involvement. Activities are designed to be age appropriate with adults guiding the cub scouts at every step of the way. Below are some example activities. 

What is the difference between a Pack and a Den?

A Den is a group of Scouts that are in the same grade at school and are all working toward the same rank:

Kindergarten – Lion Rank

1st grade – Tiger Rank

2nd grade – Wolf Rank

3rd grade – Bear Rank

4th grade – Webelos Rank

5th grade – Arrow of Light

A Pack is the collection of all Dens affiliated with a single Charter Organization.

A Charter Organization is the organization that sponsors the Pack and its Dens.

How frequently do scouts meet?

Den parents or guardians attend all meetings and activities along with their scouts. The den is made up of three to eight parent-child teams. Each den has a den leader (one of the parents) who helps coordinate the meetings. The den has 1-2 meetings a month: one is a den meeting focused on advancement; one “Go See It” activity (the den or pack, as a group visits a community place of interest); and the monthly pack event.

Where can I purchase scout uniform and handbook? 

Cub Scout uniforms serve a dual purpose, demonstrating that a Scout is part of a team and showing individual achievement (Scouts wear the badges they’ve earned). Wearing the uniform to meetings and activities also encourages a neat appearance,  and good behavior. 

Following items need to be purchased

Shirt, Pants, Hat, Belt

Handbook (optional)

*We provide neckerchief, slider, Pack and Den patches

These can be purchased at the La Grange Scout Shop:  811 W Hillgrove Ave, La Grange, IL 60525

How do advancements work? 

Recognition is important to everyone. The advancement plan provides fun for the Scouts, gives them a sense of personal achievement as they earn badges, and strengthens family understanding as adult family members and their den leader work with them on advancement projects. 

On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses through the program based on their year in school, or age. The handbooks are the best resource for understanding what achievements the Scout can and should work towards. Lion, Tiger, Wolf and Bear Scouts programs are geared towards one full school year, while Webelos is an 18 month program. Cub Scouts do not “go back” and work on ranks designed for earlier grade levels, even if missed due to their time of joining. Likewise, Cub Scouts do not “move ahead” to work on the next rank until the completion of the current school year.  

How much does the membership cost? 

In order to join Pack 10, please complete the Youth application form and make a check out to 'Cub Scouts Pack 10' for $175. A youth application can be obtained by contacting us. Membership fee includes a subscription to Scout Life magazine.

Where do scouts meet? 

Pack and den activities take place at venues according to the activity planned.